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Thursday, 26 October 2017

Recite Wazifa for Rishta

Do you know what the cause is for deterioration of family bonds and loosening of ties between the closest relations? It is, primarily, because the levels of expectations and the standards of judgement have changed. People expect and demand from others what they cannot fulfil.
People have set very high standards for the judgement of others and making an opinion about them. On the other hand, they almost always tend to ignore the weaknesses of their own. In other words, they are more conscious about their rights than the duties. It results in an environment of mistrust and confusion.
Therefore, the otherwise strongest bond of husband and wife has become incredibly loose and weak. It gets easily broken over minor and, sometimes, nonsense issues. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has warned about such a practice:

“One who breaks relations shall not enter the Jannah (Heaven).”
Whatever the case may be, people cannot live without relations and they cannot stop marrying. Though it has become extremely difficult to find a suitable person for marriage, you will definitely meet the person of your choice. For this, you can go for the best possible option of Wazifa for Rishta.
In Surah Al-Nur, Allah says:
“Corrupt women are for corrupt men; and corrupt men for corrupt women – the same as pious women for pious men and pious men for pious women.”
Through the Wazifa for Rishta, you will easily find the life-partner of your choice.

The joining of people on marital relations is not as important as proving true to such relations and maintaining them till the very end. A relation forms once, but you have to experience its effects (positive or negative) for the whole life. So, you should make the decision very carefully and only after requesting Allah for help. Wazifa for Rishta is an effective way in this regard.

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